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Friday, August 26, 2016

Review for 8/24/16 Comics

Hermanos!! Every week I am going to review 5 D.C. books, 5 Marvel books and 5 Independent books. I would like to do it every Thursday, but looks like I am not going to be able to do it until Fridays.  I am going to try and review the best of the best for the week.  I will be using the grading system, A for Excellent, B for Good, C for Meh, D for Ugh and F for so bad, I couldn't finish it.

I apologize for the short review. I got called into work and could finish the last 8 books that I was reviewing.  I will finish up tonight and post the remaining reviews tomorrow.

Book of the Week

Generation Zero - B+

Generation Zero lays some ground work for what potentially could be a great book.  It is the cliche high school cliche of  cliques exaggerated, coupled with parents versus teens.  Throw in a murder mystery and a super powered Scooby-Doo team and you get Generation Zero. This issue introduces us to the main character in high school have normal teen problems. It also show you the relationship that she had with her now murdered boyfriend. Her father being the Sheriff and potentially being involved in a cover up of her boyfriend's death has me interested.  


Batman: Detective Comics 939 - B+

Tynion has been killing it lately on Detective Comics.  Adding Clayface as a good guy in this team book is a great addition.  Tim Drake as Robin has been a strong character and lives up to the genius hacker that he is supposed to be.  Watching the dynamic between Batman and Batwoman, where Batwoman has earned Batman's respect and trust, or as much at it can be earned.  Batman has always and will always hide information from his team.  He is Batman.  If you are a Bat fan, this should be a book that you are reading.  There is one panel that really stood out and blew it out of the water, a two page spread where the story is taking place in the bat symbol.   

Deathstroke 1 - B-

I have never really read anything by Priest before, but I am enjoying the beginning of Deathstroke. This would have gotten a stronger grade, but the time jumps were a little confusing.  Deathstroke is always a bada$$, but it is interesting to see him wrestling with his wife and to fin out that she trained him.  They may not be the best parents, but sure seems like they could do some damage.

Action Comics 962 - B

I have really enjoyed this arc of Action Comics.  The ending was a little weak but overall pretty good.  I don't find Doomsday that compelling, but enjoy anytime Superman gets his lunch handed to him. The ending was a pretty typical affair with a little help from his friends.  The interaction between Wonder Woman and Superman still seems a little weird and I don't know if that is part of the whole New 52 Superman and Wonder Woman relationship making it weird or that he is just a new Superman is making it weird.  There is the Mr. Oz character adds some intrigue, but have seen a lot of people claiming that this is the Watchman's Ozymandias.  Superman versus Ozymandias would be an awesome crossover.

Blue Beetle: Rebirth 1 - C+

Blue Beetle Rebirth reintroduces Ted Kord as Blue Beetle and keeps Jaime Reyes and his Scarab as the other Blue Beetle.  It looks like Ted Kord will be an Oracle type to Jaime Reyes.  I can't help but hear the Young Justice's Blue Beetle voice of Jaime Reyes every time I read Jaime's lines in this comic. The setup is interesting and has potential, but the villians were weak and a little boring. I did love the fact that Doctor Fate makes a brief appearance in this issue.

Titan 2 - B+

I have never been a Teen Titans or a Titans fan, but this book has really got my attention. At first I thought Kadabra was a lame character, but him making a copy of the team was awesome.  ***SPOILER**** Garth is my least favorite character on the team and it looks like they kill him off at the end of the book.  I am hoping that they replace him with Aqualad/Kaldur. I am convinced that this is the book that is going to follow the Watchmen integration into the DC Universe. Kadabra acknowledges that the time stream is off and Wally West was lost in time.


Star Wars 24 - B+

This book was awesome as always.  The rebels pulling off an impossible job with Luke, Leia and Han at the front of everything. Aaron has captured Han's voice and the interactions between him and Leia are perfect.  The visuals look great and the space battles are spot on. This is a Star Wars book that gives me my fix before Rogue One comes out.  There is a reason that this is one of Marvel's best selling books. Every Star Wars fan should be picking this book up.

Steve Rodgers Captain America 4 - C

A lot of people got their panties in a bunch when it was revealed that Captain America was a double Agent for Hydra.  HAIL HYDRA.   I liked the premise, a new take on Captain America. Everyone knew that it wasn't going to last. This was a wordy book with a lot going on, but nothing really happening. I was hoping for more Captain America action. I do like how the premise that tehy are using where Captain America and The Red Skull are going to be fighting for control of Hydra.

Dealpool 17 - B-

This is Deadpool being Deadpool story. This is a light and funny book that basically ignores Civil War II. This has a little bit of an Archer feel to this book especially the ending. This seemed like a story more fitting for Deadpool And The Mercs For Money book. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent looks like a dead on replica of one Amanda Waller.

Ulysses 1 - C+

This has an interesting premise. A lot of people have been hating on The Inhumans, saying that Marvel is trying to force The Inhumans down the fans throat to basically replace the X-Men. Ulysses is going to learn to use his powers/be trained by Karnak, which leads directly in to Civil War II. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Ulysses is going to be killed off soon. 


American Mythology Dark: Werewolves and Dinosaurs 1 - C

This is one of those it is so bad it's good books.  This is Back to the Future mixed with Men In Black mixed with Werewolves and Dinosaurs.  The premise is ridiculous, but fun. Smith is the Doc Brown Character to Cade, who doesn't know what is going on or what he just got mixed into. The only reason I picked this up was because my LCBS guy said I would enjoy it and it had a giant T-Rex on the cover. Who doesn't like Dinosaurs

Kingsway West 1 - B

Another strong start to another independent book. A western mixed with some magic in an alternative history.  A no nonsense cowboy blowing people away when they mess with him.  This book has a little bit of an Old Man Logan feel to it.

Atomic Robo 1 - C-

This was kind of a goofy WWII story that stars a robot millionaire as a spy.  There is no real heart here and the story is on the weaker side.  The art is good, but looks more suited for the Sunday comic strips.  A lot of science talk that really didn't catch my attention.   

Lake of Fire 1 - C

A young man sets off to become a man by joining the crusades. I have never been a fan of any story that has been related to the crusades. This book was really wordy and starts a little slow, but this book does have potential.  I will probably pick up issue to see where they are going.

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